Jewish Infantry Brigade Group
Chativah Yehudith Lochemeth, the Hebrew name chosen by Jewish soldiers:Jewish Combat Force.
In February 1966 revolution in Syria. It is the ninth since 1949,
the baas takes power a party very close to the USSR is the author of warlike initiatives.
Syria therefore puts Syrian-Palestinian terrorist organizations back on their feet
and intensifies the bombings on Israeli villages,
the tension grows throughout the year but reaches alarming levels in the early months of 1967.
the baas takes power a party very close to the USSR is the author of warlike initiatives.
Syria therefore puts Syrian-Palestinian terrorist organizations back on their feet
and intensifies the bombings on Israeli villages,
the tension grows throughout the year but reaches alarming levels in the early months of 1967.
The continuation of Syrian actions against Israel causes as many denunciations of Jerusalem
to UN observers, finally Israel notifies the security council,
in the absolute lack of the maximum international body, he will alone defend the lives of its citizens.
to UN observers, finally Israel notifies the security council,
in the absolute lack of the maximum international body, he will alone defend the lives of its citizens.
On April 7, Syrian artillery tanks attack heavily on Jewish border villages,
as does the aviation Damascus fighter and,
in the consequences battle is the border 6 Mig 21 Syrians are shot down,
without losing the Israeli air force.
as does the aviation Damascus fighter and,
in the consequences battle is the border 6 Mig 21 Syrians are shot down,
without losing the Israeli air force.
The USSR now assumes a historical responsibility, widely proven and documented,
sends to the governments of Damascus and Cairo,
the false information of concentration of Israeli troops on the borders with Syria.
Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in vain invites the Soviet ambassador in Tel Aviv to go personally,
with the experts of his confidence, to check the absolute falsity of the announcement of this concentration of troops ...
Soviet ambassador Ciuvakhin refuses.
On May 19, UN Secretary-General U Thant will declare verbatim:
the reports of the UN observatories confirmed the absence of troop elements or troop movements of some importance
on both sides of the armistice line.
sends to the governments of Damascus and Cairo,
the false information of concentration of Israeli troops on the borders with Syria.
Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in vain invites the Soviet ambassador in Tel Aviv to go personally,
with the experts of his confidence, to check the absolute falsity of the announcement of this concentration of troops ...
Soviet ambassador Ciuvakhin refuses.
On May 19, UN Secretary-General U Thant will declare verbatim:
the reports of the UN observatories confirmed the absence of troop elements or troop movements of some importance
on both sides of the armistice line.
(taken from "thirty years of struggles of the Jewish state" by Luciano Tas, 1975)
June 1948: Israeli soldiers travel on route 7 to Jerusalem during the War of Independence / Getty Images
"Why did Stalin create Israel"
since the introduction by the author Leonid Mlecin
"All those to whom I submitted the manuscript of this book, whom I thank for their valuable comments,
have advised me to think of a different title, objecting that it was the United Nations and not Stalin that created Israel.
However, I am convinced that if it hadn't been for Stalin, probably a Jewish state in Palestine would never have arisen.
The decision of the Soviet dictator, in addition to determining the fate of the current Middle East,
has influenced the political history of the Soviet Union and the United States.
have advised me to think of a different title, objecting that it was the United Nations and not Stalin that created Israel.
However, I am convinced that if it hadn't been for Stalin, probably a Jewish state in Palestine would never have arisen.
The decision of the Soviet dictator, in addition to determining the fate of the current Middle East,
has influenced the political history of the Soviet Union and the United States.
This view is supported by hundreds of secret documents from the Soviet archives and,
now collected in two important publications:
Soviet-Israeli relations. 1941-1953, edited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
and the Middle East conflict. 1947-1956 published by the International Foundation "Democratija".
now collected in two important publications:
Soviet-Israeli relations. 1941-1953, edited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,
and the Middle East conflict. 1947-1956 published by the International Foundation "Democratija".
Much less known is that in 1948 the Soviet Union supplied arms to the Jewish state,
violating the embargo supported by the United States and Great Britain.
Prime Minister Golda Meir said: "We do not know if we could have resisted without their weapons."
violating the embargo supported by the United States and Great Britain.
Prime Minister Golda Meir said: "We do not know if we could have resisted without their weapons."
Luciano Canfora, a world-famous historian and Greek scholar,
in the introduction recounted the perplexities of the West, with the British arming the Egyptians,
while the Czechoslovakians armed the Israelis.
The situation changed after the emigration of Russian Jews to Israel and with 1967.
in the introduction recounted the perplexities of the West, with the British arming the Egyptians,
while the Czechoslovakians armed the Israelis.
The situation changed after the emigration of Russian Jews to Israel and with 1967.
There is no English translation of the book (or at least I didn't find a copy)
At the end of January 2016, in the same days that the State University of Milan,
was awarded an honorary degree in Amos Oz, in Israel the far-right group "Im Tirtzu" launched
a campaign against David Grossman, Abraham Yehoshua and Oz himself,
calling them "Moles in culture", and accusing them(in full McCarthy style)
of being traitors, just for being historically close to the left of the country,
and continuing to believe in the solution of the "two states".
was awarded an honorary degree in Amos Oz, in Israel the far-right group "Im Tirtzu" launched
a campaign against David Grossman, Abraham Yehoshua and Oz himself,
calling them "Moles in culture", and accusing them(in full McCarthy style)
of being traitors, just for being historically close to the left of the country,
and continuing to believe in the solution of the "two states".
Often, Delera writes with attention to so many small passages,
that derive from having played in the formations of the new Italian left,
those "Jews of the left" found themselves crushed between those who, in the Jewish world,
demanded an unconditional adhesion to the decisions of the Israeli governments and,
all the rosary of wars that have taken place over the decades,
precisely "because they are Jews"; and who,in the formations of the left,
(both parliamentary and extra-parliamentary)
asked them not simply to dissociate themselves from those choices,
but to operate a sort of radical abjuration precisely "because they were Jews".
And this regardless of the fact that those "left-wing Jews", just like the "left-wing Israelis",
have radically criticized the use of force and weapons as the resolution of any controversy.
that derive from having played in the formations of the new Italian left,
those "Jews of the left" found themselves crushed between those who, in the Jewish world,
demanded an unconditional adhesion to the decisions of the Israeli governments and,
all the rosary of wars that have taken place over the decades,
precisely "because they are Jews"; and who,in the formations of the left,
(both parliamentary and extra-parliamentary)
asked them not simply to dissociate themselves from those choices,
but to operate a sort of radical abjuration precisely "because they were Jews".
And this regardless of the fact that those "left-wing Jews", just like the "left-wing Israelis",
have radically criticized the use of force and weapons as the resolution of any controversy.
When, then, has Zionism been interpreted as something other than itself,
to the point of being misunderstood in such a way,
that anti-Zionism is considered by many a form of anti-imperialism?
Where does this confusion come from? Are those responsible,
in the Israeli right and among its allies outside the country,
for having covered the policies of the last decades with a Zionist shell?
Or are those responsible (especially on the left)
who have carefully removed the interplay between Zionism and,
socialism in the history of an important rib on the European
(and Middle Eastern) left itself?
to the point of being misunderstood in such a way,
that anti-Zionism is considered by many a form of anti-imperialism?
Where does this confusion come from? Are those responsible,
in the Israeli right and among its allies outside the country,
for having covered the policies of the last decades with a Zionist shell?
Or are those responsible (especially on the left)
who have carefully removed the interplay between Zionism and,
socialism in the history of an important rib on the European
(and Middle Eastern) left itself?
taken from the monthly "Lo Straniero" (the foreigner) by Alessandro Leogrande,
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
A study conducted in 2012 by the German foundation Friederich Ebert Stiftung
shows that 63% of Poles and 48% of Germans think "Israel is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinians",
with 42% in Britain, 41% in Hungary and 38% in Italy.
shows that 63% of Poles and 48% of Germans think "Israel is waging a war of extermination against the Palestinians",
with 42% in Britain, 41% in Hungary and 38% in Italy.
According to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA),
48% of European Jews interviewed heard or read allegations,
that "Israelis behave like the Nazis towards the Palestinians".
Sixteen episodes in 2012, three times as many in 2013, almost double in 2014 (86).
Then a decline the following year (64) to undergo a surge in 2016: 130 recorded episodes,
as many as in 2017. The peak last year, with 181 documented cases.
Then a decline the following year (64) to undergo a surge in 2016: 130 recorded episodes,
as many as in 2017. The peak last year, with 181 documented cases.
Radio Islam, despite its name, is a leading center of anti-Semitism where right and left find the motivations for their hatred. 

Component of the Jewish brigade, on the bullet that carries in Hebrew it is written "A gift for Hitler". Unknown photographer. Source
From 2004 the Jews of the Jewish brigade participate in the manifestation of the Italian Liberation.
They should not be confused with the Italian Jews,
who participated in the resistance of 1000 out of 43,000 Italian Jews in total
(of which 7500 were in the extermination camps).
They should not be confused with the Italian Jews,
who participated in the resistance of 1000 out of 43,000 Italian Jews in total
(of which 7500 were in the extermination camps).
The first nucleus of the Jewish Brigade was established in 1919:
it is the battalion of the Jewish Legion, also called First Judeans.
it is the battalion of the Jewish Legion, also called First Judeans.
In 1940 the Jews of Palestine, still under British authority,
were allowed to enlist in Jewish companies,
framed in the three infantry battalions of the East Kent Regiment, sent to Egypt and Cyrenaica.
were allowed to enlist in Jewish companies,
framed in the three infantry battalions of the East Kent Regiment, sent to Egypt and Cyrenaica.
The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII |
A well-known American reporter Howard Blum, awarded several times with the Pulizer award,
began working for the NYT and, in the mid-1990s, began to write a story on Vanity Fair,
which he concluded with the book:
began working for the NYT and, in the mid-1990s, began to write a story on Vanity Fair,
which he concluded with the book:
The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII.
by Harper Collins
“This book tells a true story about the history of the Jewish Brigade's activities,
an army of 5,000 men from Palestine sent by the British to fight in Europe,
during the last months of World War II also tells the story of three Israeli soldiers Carmi,
Johanan Pelz and Ari Pinkuk who enlisted as volunteers in that armed force,
and how their lives were transformed from the times they lived,
but above all how their actions transformed the world that surrounded them.”
taken from the note to the Italian version.
an army of 5,000 men from Palestine sent by the British to fight in Europe,
during the last months of World War II also tells the story of three Israeli soldiers Carmi,
Johanan Pelz and Ari Pinkuk who enlisted as volunteers in that armed force,
and how their lives were transformed from the times they lived,
but above all how their actions transformed the world that surrounded them.”
taken from the note to the Italian version.
the White Paper |
becoming part of the Jewish companies. Also in the same year 1939,
the British had issued a bill in the form of a White Paper,
namely a government report on the planning of the Palestinian territory:
this was motivated by having the support of the Arab countries in the conflict with the Nazis and,
was cutting the hopes of Jews to have their own homeland.
The document called for the establishment of a Jewish national home,
in an independent Palestinian state within 10 years, rejecting the idea of partitioning Palestine.
It also limits Jewish immigration to 75,000 for 5 years,
establishing that further immigration would be determined by the Arab majority (section II).
Restrictions have been imposed on the rights of Jews to buy land from the Arabs (Section III).
David Ben Gurion himself, head of the Jewish Agency in Palestine,
had volunteered for the British army in 1941 and said:
"We will fight the White Paper as if there were no war and
we will fight the war as if there were no White Paper."
we will fight the war as if there were no White Paper."
![]() |
Although many Jews from Palestine Mandatoria were eager to fight.
Instead there was a Jewish battalion connected to the East Kent regiment,
of the British army stationed in Palestine.
"They called the battalion" Palestine Buffs "because of the color of the uniforms."
The Jews, however, wanted their entire Jewish brigade.
Under the leadership of Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion,
they petitioned the British government to create a Jewish fighting force.
The British refused.
Instead there was a Jewish battalion connected to the East Kent regiment,
of the British army stationed in Palestine.
"They called the battalion" Palestine Buffs "because of the color of the uniforms."
The Jews, however, wanted their entire Jewish brigade.
Under the leadership of Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion,
they petitioned the British government to create a Jewish fighting force.
The British refused.
After confirming reports about the extermination of European Jewry in 1942 and 1943,
the British decided that it would only be fair to give Jews a chance to take revenge on the Nazis,
in an official capacity.
in an official capacity.
"Churchill understood the Jews emotionally",
Addressing parliament on September 20, 1944,
he declared that:
"a special unit of that race which has suffered indescribable torment by the Nazis,
should be represented as a distinct formation in the forces gathered for their final reversal".
he declared that:
"a special unit of that race which has suffered indescribable torment by the Nazis,
should be represented as a distinct formation in the forces gathered for their final reversal".
Among these was Mordechai Gichon, professor of classical archeology at the University of Tel Aviv,
who recalled:
who recalled:
“The British army forbade Jewish soldiers from the British Palestine mandate,
to occupy important positions in the Brigade,
so the Haganah created its own secret command structure,
led by twenty-eight-year-old Shlomo Shamir.
His secret mission would become clear after the end of the war.”
to occupy important positions in the Brigade,
so the Haganah created its own secret command structure,
led by twenty-eight-year-old Shlomo Shamir.
His secret mission would become clear after the end of the war.”
In September 1944 Benjamin was appointed commanding officer of the Jewish Brigade |
flag of the Jewish Brigade which is almost identical to the flag of the future state of Israel |
It is framed in the Eighth Army and destined for the Italian front:
after a period of training in Egypt the soldiers,
coming from Israel but many still with family ties in the European Diaspora,
are sent to Italy where in March they reach the front line, north of Ravenna, recently released.
There were about 38 fallen here, five of them buried in the Argenta allied military cemetery.
after a period of training in Egypt the soldiers,
coming from Israel but many still with family ties in the European Diaspora,
are sent to Italy where in March they reach the front line, north of Ravenna, recently released.
There were about 38 fallen here, five of them buried in the Argenta allied military cemetery.
Along the Gothic line the Germans build a mighty line of defense,
which only the union of the American V and the British VIII army could have knocked down.
which only the union of the American V and the British VIII army could have knocked down.
But as throughout the war the Americans and the British chose different paths.
The British wanted to advance quickly,
while the Americans moved part of their troops ahead of the France landings.
The British wanted to advance quickly,
while the Americans moved part of their troops ahead of the France landings.
In April 1945, the Jewish Brigade came into action in the front line,
in the Senio river valley near Bologna.
The fighting was fierce and the Brigade suffered many losses.
Hundreds of Jewish soldiers lost their lives.
Yet, after two months of intense fighting, the Jewish Brigade emerged victorious
and in a reversal of roles, took the defeated German soldiers prisoner.
in the Senio river valley near Bologna.
The fighting was fierce and the Brigade suffered many losses.
Hundreds of Jewish soldiers lost their lives.
Yet, after two months of intense fighting, the Jewish Brigade emerged victorious
and in a reversal of roles, took the defeated German soldiers prisoner.
The war ended a few weeks after the victory of the Brigade, but his work in Europe was far from over. "We had a great fortune," reflects Gichon. "After the end of the war, we were the first to meet Holocaust survivors".The Allied command in Europe considered the Jewish survivors as citizens of the countries from which they had been drawn; and as such they had to be repatriated. "They said: they are Poles, they can go back to Poland. But do you know what happened to the Jews who returned there? They were murdered."Churchill lost the general elections of 1945 and the new Labor government was decidedly less sympathetic to the Jews. "Ernest Bevin, the new foreign minister, was anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli," says Gichon.
"He didn't want the Jews to go to Israel."And so the Brigade had a new mission:
to look for Jewish survivors and bring them back home -
to Israel. "We started organizing Aliya Bet," says Gichon.
"Obviously we did it illegally."The Brigade continued its activities under the nose of British officials,
creating a fictitious British Army unit, the TTG,
as a cover for smuggling of survivor trucks across Europe.
"TTG" combines words from Arabic, Hebrew and Yiddish and means "Tilhas Tigiz Gesheften" ,
which roughly translates as "up the ass".At first the Jewish Brigade was moved to Tarvisio,
on the border with Austria: here the Jewish soldiers hunted down the German officials.
Blum speaks of 150 killings, testimonies vary from 50 to over 200.
However, this activity continued and it is likely that the killed Nazis exceeded 1500.
Then the Jewish Brigade was moved to the Netherlands and Belgium.In July 1945,
the British dissolved the Brigade, feeling they could no longer tolerate illegal activities.
A year later, the final convoy of Brigade soldiers returned home to Eretz Israel.
When the State of Israel declared its independence in 1948,the soldiers of the battle-hardened
and experienced.
Jewish Brigade helped organize and train the Israel Defense Forces
.25 generals of the future army of Israel were members of the Jewish Brigade.
"He didn't want the Jews to go to Israel."And so the Brigade had a new mission:
to look for Jewish survivors and bring them back home -
to Israel. "We started organizing Aliya Bet," says Gichon.
"Obviously we did it illegally."The Brigade continued its activities under the nose of British officials,
creating a fictitious British Army unit, the TTG,
as a cover for smuggling of survivor trucks across Europe.
"TTG" combines words from Arabic, Hebrew and Yiddish and means "Tilhas Tigiz Gesheften" ,
which roughly translates as "up the ass".At first the Jewish Brigade was moved to Tarvisio,
on the border with Austria: here the Jewish soldiers hunted down the German officials.
Blum speaks of 150 killings, testimonies vary from 50 to over 200.
However, this activity continued and it is likely that the killed Nazis exceeded 1500.
Then the Jewish Brigade was moved to the Netherlands and Belgium.In July 1945,
the British dissolved the Brigade, feeling they could no longer tolerate illegal activities.
A year later, the final convoy of Brigade soldiers returned home to Eretz Israel.
When the State of Israel declared its independence in 1948,the soldiers of the battle-hardened
and experienced.
Jewish Brigade helped organize and train the Israel Defense Forces
.25 generals of the future army of Israel were members of the Jewish Brigade.
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