second part

Leo Valiani, born Leo Weiczen (Rijeka, 9 February 1909 - Milan, 18 September 1999), was an Italian journalist, anti-fascist, politician and historian. Unlike Fascism as a boy, he was sent confinement (1928) on the island of Ponza, where he joined the Communist Party of Italy at a very young age. Having fled to France, he broke with the Pcd'I after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, in 1939,Valiani thought he was leaving the Communist Party before the outbreak of the war, right after the notorious pact, but hostilities began and Leo waited, saying nothing for fear that his comrades read in his gesture the vile attempt to avoid the arrest by the French authorities who were stopping all foreign communists. He is also locked up and only in Vernet camp in the Pyrenees announces its decision. The reaction of the companions is very hard. "The following day all the Communist internees, perhaps four thousand, or a little less, took away my greeting, as one man: it is hard to see oneself take the greeting from
four thousand comrades ”, he writes in Sixty Years of Adventures and Battles.
Leo Valiani is Mario in Arthur Koesler's autobiographical novel "Scum of the Earth"1942

Arthur Koestler, writes a novel in 1941, with the title Darkness at Noon: describes the arrest, detention, interrogation and execution of an important member of the Soviet Communist Party during the period of the great Stalinist purges.
"Finally, I find myself guilty of having proposed the idea of man to that of humanity ..."

"I no longer believe in my infallibility. That's why I'm lost. "

Arthur Koestler sentences uttered by the protagonist of the novel Nicolaj Rubasciov,
political commissar in the Stalin era.His job is to discover and question the opponents of the regime.
One day, however, Rubasciov falls into disgrace .........

Margarete Buber-Neumann
Margarete Buber-Neumann was born in Potsdam in 1901, was educated as a nursery school teacher and at the age of twenty joined the Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (KJVD) (literally:German Communist Youth Union) and since 1926 of the German Communist Party (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, KPD).

In 1922 he married Rafael,son of Martin Buber,a Jewish philosopher.From the marriage,
two daughters were born, Barbara and Judith,the latter daughter of the Israeli philosopher Joseph Agassi.
In 1929 he divorced Buber,after they had been living apart for four years.
The reasons for ending the marriage were linked to the gradual detachment of the husband from the communist movement.
Heinz Neumann


Great Purge 1936-1938

Sergej Kirov
The Great Purges were a vast repression occurred in the USSR in the second half of the thirties

Grigory Zinoviev


3 "trial of the officers" June 1937

Marshal Tuchačevskij


In the three public trials Vasilij Ulrich
exercised the functions of the president of the court and the attorney general of the Soviet Union
Andrej Vyšinskij those of the public prosecutor.
They had no qualms about using torture, drugs and any other means to make the accused confess.
The alleged crimes were among those defined
by Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Soviet Socialist Federal Republic.
This article, subdivided into fourteen paragraphs, provided for the death penalty for various cases,
whose formulation, deliberately generic.


Map of the Soviet concentration camp system

Vasilij Ulrich

Andrej Vyšinskij
